amara x beats
Branding Headphones with a cause, enabling them to be different from the rest -30 second brand teaser ; Creating three headphones within the brand, each with a story !
brand mission
- We are partnering with the UN women to bring education to young girls in India, Columbia & Kenya. 50% of the money goes to the cause.
mission statement
- Headphones are active tools of modern communication. Inspiring women through unheard chronicles.Telling stories through centuries from different regions to inspire women of today to account for women of future

While conceptualizing the logos it became clear that they had to stay within the constraints. Beats signature logo is the lower case "b" inside a circle. So I knew Circles had to be the uniting force. In these first roughs I centered the theme around the Sun Moon, and Earth.

As the concepts evolved more, we chose 3 different countries - India, Columbia & Kenya
- A lot of research later we picked 3 different women from 3 different time periods and incorporated them in to the logos using symbolism

design breakdown
After the logos and the boardomatic, coming up with an overall look and style for the piece proved to be the hardest but most rewarding
Trying to keep it fun and colorful but also not get it too clustered or childish

first draft
In our first draft we wanted to play with shapes and individual logos as abstract scenes

When we finished the first draft we decided to cut it down in terms of duration and set assets to keep it simple and engaging